Consider what your business could accomplish with a full-time marketing team.


Not just any team, of course. In this scenario, you have a fully vetted, trained, onboarded team who loves working together and can get it all done. A team with an almost spooky sense of what you need, of what will work, of how to bring it all together. A well-oiled machine with impeccable taste and a polished, refined, deeply unique style that suits your brand like nothing you’ve experienced before. 

Copywriting, design, website development—all done at a moment’s notice. Content strategy? Brand development? Sales funnels and opt-ins and email marketing sequences? No problem. 

The challenge, of course, is finding and hiring this miracle marketing team. It means that now you need an HR team to do recruiting and interviews. You need a great manager to make sure everyone works together. An accountant to make sure everyone’s getting paid. Maybe you’re scheduling team-building days. Paying salaries. Vacation time. Benefits.

But what if that challenge were 100% moot?

Enter The Essential, a recurring intensive package that gives you the full support of our agency to reach your marketing goals and connect with your ideal clients more consistently and effectively.

A team of highly experienced marketers entirely dedicated to your strategy and projects for a few days per month, according to your needs. 

Along with our 20+ years of branding, marketing, copywriting, advertising, and journalism chops, we bring with us a team of fully vetted and experienced design, editing, and coding professionals. We specialize in fostering authentic, lasting connections between businesses and their ideal clients. What that means for you is more loyal, raving fans, repeat business, and a face to your company that is relatable, consistent, and, above all, human.

We’ve worked with companies like Acura, Infiniti, Toyota, Disney, HSN, Mom 2.0, and Pepperdine University, and our work has been universally praised for its attention to detail, impact, and professionalism.

Here’s how The Essential works:

We meet with you virtually on the day of your intensive, ready to work. Yes, we may be available for in-person meetings at some post-pandemic point in the future, but one of the benefits of working this way is that you don’t need to supply a dedicated work space (plus all the tech and overhead that entails) in order to have our entire team at your disposal.

We’ll start the day by discussing your goals, and we’ll help you develop a strategy to meet them. Because we have extensive experience with marketing strategy and content planning, there’s no need to figure out specific details around how many emails or what type of blog posts—we’ve got that. Once you’re satisfied with the overall plan for the month, we’ll get to work, and we and our team will get it done. (Yes, all of it.)

We’ll check in with you midday to discuss what we’ve been working on—no need to waste your time on rounds of follow-ups or emails or status meetings—and then, at the end of the day, we’ll share what we’ve done and get any final direction. Over the next two days, we’ll work with our team to fine-tune and build everything you need, and at the end of our working period, we’ll deliver your content, along with a short overview on where to find everything, what we’ve done, and what’s most important for you to know from a bird’s eye view.

We’re available to you all month long in between meetings via Voxer or a comparable service, so you can ask any pressing questions or get feedback on time-sensitive opportunities, and revisions of our day’s materials are always included until you’re satisfied with the content.

We’ll work within your systems, so no need to learn something new or sign up for yet another file sharing service, and our entire network is available to you, from designers to developers to printers—though we’re just as happy to collaborate with your in-house teams, if you’d prefer.


Is this a traditional arrangement? Maybe not. But we think it’s something truly special. The Essential saves you:

Time. No need to train or coordinate a team, come up with a strategy or specific “to-do” list, or follow up on ongoing projects. We come in, figure it out for you, and do it all by the end of our working period. We’re also not going to waste your time with endless emails or questions. We know how valuable your time is, and we’ll always bullet point it for you and get you moving as quickly as possible.

Energy. Onboarding a new team member is a lot of work, especially when you need to figure out what they can handle and what blind spots they may have. Because we bring our entire team to the table and manage them ourselves, you’re free to focus on other things—like setting the goals that will guide our strategy for the coming month.

Money. Employees cost much more than the salary they’re paid. We bring our own technology, provide our own workspace, and don’t require benefits like insurance, retirement funds, or paid time off. Plus, because you’re only paying for the time we’re 100% focused on you, there’s no distracted Friday afternoons or lunch appointments that ran a little late. We’re all yours.

Intrigued? Let’s have a (no-pressure) chat about whether this would be a good fit for your company.  If you know you’re ready, just apply below and we’ll be in touch to schedule a talk.

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