It’s hard to direct your business if you don’t know where it’s going.

It happens as soon as you launch your business—or even before, when your dream is nothing more than a glimmer. From the very start, you’re making choices.

Are you digital or in-person? Who do you serve? What do you offer? Why are you doing this?

There are so many businesses who never make it beyond this stage, because they don’t know where they’re going, so they never figure out how to get there.

Where are you heading?

Do you want to offer one-on-one services? Bespoke products exactly to your clients’ specifications? Do you prefer to be behind the scenes or in the spotlight? Are you donating 10% of your profits to your favorite charity? Moving your family into a bigger home? 

What drives you?

In a values-based business (that is, a business built on who you are and what you care about), having a map is key to ensuring you’re focused on what matters most.

And that’s where we come in.

Mind Your Business maps out two of the key features of a values-based business: your Mission and Vision statements.

What does your business exist to do? What sort of impact do you want to have in a year, or five, or ten? Are these your income goals, the type of work you’re doing, your reach?

All of this is your Vision Statement.

And how you get there—the work you do and the Right Person you serve—is your Mission Statement.

Pretty key, right?

Some businesses skip this stage. Whatever clients are willing to pay you, right? Whatever work they need?

But without a clear direction, there’s a good chance you’re going to find yourself painting someone’s living room and wondering where your bakery got off track.

(Okay, maybe not that exactly. But let’s work with it.)

Mind Your Business was written by Katie Boyer and Emma Alvarez Gibson, the forces behind Dossier. We have several decades of experience in the digital marketing world between the two of us (don’t make us out ourselves by asking just how many), and we’ve worked with countless clients both directly and through digital learning to help them improve their authentic connections with their Right Person ideal clients, leading to more sustainable businesses, higher conversions, increased impact, and more fulfilling work.

We founded Dossier based on our shared vision of how marketing should be, sans bro tactics and false scarcity. Everything we do as an agency has our values baked into it: authenticity, enchantment, and consistency, all leading to our goal of better, stronger, more lasting connections. It’s so much better this way. And we really want to show you why.


Here’s how it works.

After purchasing, you’ll receive a link to download four Audio Classes (Mp3s) plus an introduction, with attractive and easy-to-print written transcripts and helpful worksheets, available for immediate download, to be completed at your own pace.

In Mind Your Business, you’ll get:

Lesson One: The Values-Based Business

What is a values based business, and how do you determine what your values are? In this three-part lesson, we look at what it means to run a values-based business and how to bring your own business into alignment with what matters most to you.

Lesson Two: What’s Your Purpose?

If you’ve ever struggled to describe what you do, here’s where we get crystal clear. We’ll help you understand the difference between your business and your brand—and why you are neither of those—and define the transformation you bring to your clients, whether that’s a new career or a gorgeous painting in their living room. Finally, we’ll help you write your Vision Statement: the “pie in the sky” goal for why your business exists—and where it’s headed.

Lesson Three: On a Mission

What the heck is a Mission Statement (and why do you need one)? In this course, we’ll look at the work you’re doing to support you in achieving the goals set out in your Vision Statement, and how to decide what sort of clients you serve (even if you’ve never served a single one). No, you don’t need to know the color of their underwear or the name of their dog. It’s all about defining what you bring to the table and writing it down in your Mission Statement. It’s okay, we’ll help.

Lesson Four: Building a Business Around Your Values

Now that you know what you want your business to become and have a map of the work you’ll be doing to get there…what’s next? In the final lesson, we explore the ways we convey our values to our Right Person, the different signs and signals we give off to let them know we’re the perfect fit, and how to be absolutely clear in our messaging. Call in those ideal clients, because it’s time to get to work—the work you want to be doing.

Mind Your Business is an investment of $297.


// I’m not really sure what my business needs right now. Should I wait to sign up for this?

No, this is actually a great starting point for you! We’ll be helping you with building (or rebuilding) your brand identity, especially online. Even if you’re starting from the ground up, the guided questions will help you figure out those next steps. (Sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know, you know?) But if your business is still in the dreaming/planning phase, you might have a hard time acting on some of the prompts. That said, there’s nothing like some direct, specific, actionable guidance to help you take those first steps with confidence. If you think you’ll be ready to launch your business within the next six months, Mind Your Business should be a good fit for supporting you.


// I’m a solo business owner. Is this a good fit for me?

Absolutely! We’re happy to support all like-minded clients, from solopreneurs to  multinational corporations (and we have). This course is designed to be completed by the primary decision-maker for your business, so if that’s you, wonderful! If you have a few key partners, these may even be good group exercises to work through together. But the size of your business doesn’t really determine whether this will work for you; that’s determined by your willingness to take the time to consider your business and make your way through the course material.


// How much time can I expect to spend on this course?

This really depends on your own comfort levels in talking about your business and the amount of space you need to sit with the material. Each module includes exercises, guided visualizations, and inquiry questions that will help you figure out what your business needs, and step-by-step instructions on how to implement those plans. You probably won’t want to rush through this in a weekend, but you should be able to start implementing what you’ve learned as you go. We would estimate that you should be able to complete each of the four lessons in around an hour, but it could be up to a few hours if you really want to sit with the material.


// I’m not so tech savvy. What do I need to be able to use this material?

If you can click links, open files, and press PLAY on an Mp3, you have what you need to use the course materials. 

And if you get stuck or run into a snafu, we’re just a message away at info@dossieragency.com.


// Do you have a refund policy or a guarantee?

We guarantee that you will be getting the best work we can provide, and we do not offer refunds. We have a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence but do not guarantee specific results from our work, since clients will come into this process in all different seasons of life, phases of business, and levels of self-awareness. You are responsible for integrating and implementing the course material in your own way and in your own time.


// What can I expect to happen once I make the purchase?

Watch your Inbox for a confirmation email. Click the link in the email to Complete Your Purchase. After clicking, check your inbox for an email to download your course materials. (You may also be redirected to this link after clicking Complete your Purchase — it depends on your browser.) The download page is password-protected — you’ll receive your password in an email after you’ve completed your purchase.


Have a question we haven’t addressed? Email us at info@dossieragency.com and we will respond to you ASAP

Cost: $297

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